PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:CPRI is the world standard interface defined for Radio Equioment Controllers . REC are basically Based Band Unit (BBU), Remote Radio Unit (RRU )in telecom industry .CPRI standard is followed by top leading telecom commpany like Huawei , Ericsson , Nokia etc.Complying with IEC , Telcordia GR-326-CORE, YD-T 1272.3-2005,Standard.Low insertion loss , high return lossGood in repeatability and exchanfeablility High Density connection ,easy for operation .APPLICATION:Testing equipmentFTTX+LANOptical fiber CATVOptical communication system TelecommunicationCable Parameters:Fiber Count Cable Dimension/mmCable Weight/gTensile/NCrush N/100mmMin. Bend Radius/mmRange of Temperature27.0±0.242.3long termshort termlong termshort termDynamicStatic200400110022002...